For example, Public Works professionals will geotag an asset, such as a fire hydrant, to record the date, time, and location and will then use software like Juniper Aspect to record details describing the state of the asset. One purpose is to document an asset or a sample (for research). In field data collection, geotagging is used mainly for two purposes. How is geotagging used in data collection? All you need to geotag your own photos is a camera with access to GPS, which, conveniently, most smart phones have these days. It’s a nifty way to catch a glimpse of places all over the world, or to find some sites you’d like to visit. You’ve probably seen geotagged photos on Google Earth, where individuals can upload their photos for anyone to see. An image of the Grand Canyon in Google Earth. You can take geotagged photos of each catch to document when and where you had the most success. Or say that you’re big-time into fishing. You can geotag your photos and view them on a map of the island that displays exactly where each photo was taken. For example, say you want to document your vacation to Hawaii. Geotagged photos are used any time people want to associate an image with a location. Geotagging is the act of adding geographical information (in the form of metadata) to some type of media, including photos, videos, websites, etc. First of all, let’s start out on the right foot here with a brief explanation of geotagging, in case you’re new to the subject.